Los 202
Civil Wars, 68-69. Forces of Galba in Spain. Anonymous, 3 April-2nd half of June 68. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 3.34 g, 5 h), uncertain mint in Spain. Group VI. BON•EVENT Diademed and draped bust of Bonus Eventus to right, wearing braided hair. Rev. ROMA RENASC Roma advancing right, holding Victory on globe in her right hand and long eagle-tipped scepter in her left. BMC 10 var. (differing style and longer reverse legend). CG 67.8 (this coin). Cohen 400 var. (longer reverse legend). Gollnow & Rutten 1026 (this coin). Martin 53 corr. and pl. 4, 53 M1 (reverse legend misdescribed) = Nicolas 50 and pl. XII, 50 M. RIC 11 (longer reverse legend). An extremely rare variety, known in just two examples (the other in Madrid). A few scratches and the obverse struck somewhat off center, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gollnow, Leu 9, 24 October 2021, 1026, previously privately acquired from Yves Gunzenreiner in July 2013.

The slogan Roma renascens featured very prominently on Galba's early coinage. It first appears on a substantial anonymous civil war series from Spain and roughly translates as 'Rome reborn' or 'Rome rising again', thus heralding the glorious rebirth of an empire stricken by Nero's mismanagement. As with other issues, the style differences within the BONVS EVENTVS / ROMA RENASCENS series are remarkable and certainly reflect the work of different artists, if not different mints (see also the note on Gollnow & Rutten 1005). The present coin belongs to Group VI, characterized by small heads and short straight noses. Thus, it is connected to the wonderful aureus with Salus on the obverse (Gollnow & Rutten 1018).
500 CHF
400 CHF
550 CHF
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